The Deep Learning Super Sampling from Nvidia (With the help of DLSS technology, you may upscale your visuals to higher resolutions without compromising speed. DLSS-enabled games gain from several different enhancements, including higher framerates and more attractive visuals. This feature is compatible with all GeForce RTX GPUs, although it can only be used with compatible games.
Using Khronos Vulkan Ray Tracing for reflections in conjunction with DLSS, the RTX upgrade for Doom Eternal will make fighting demons with brutality as visually appealing as ever. Using a GeForce RTX 3080 Ti at 4K resolution, the world premiere video from earlier this month showed off action-packed, raytracing gaming.
DLSS is headed to the wild west
. DLSS support is also coming to Red Dead Redemption 2. As of now, Nvidia hasn't given a firm release date. The game is already regarded as one of the all-time best-looking games and a graphical masterpiece. With luck, DLSS will elevate it to a new level. Though Nvidia says it will release shortly, this upgrade is probably not going to happen this month. Ray tracing has not yet been mentioned, however GeForce RTX gamers will get a free performance boost in Red Dead Redemption 2 with DLSS enabled.There are now more than 55 games with DLSS support. In the next weeks, Nvidia will be adding a ton of new games, such as Rust and LEGO Builder's Journey.